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Alexandra Trifonova


Alexandra was born in Bulgaria, where she was a gymnast for many years and that lead her body to multiple injuries and misalignments especially after the birth of her child. She experienced Pilates after a chiropractor suggested it is as a way for her body to get stronger and better aligned. After a few sessions she saw the incredible benefits of the exercises and quickly decided to enter a Comprehensive Pilates Instructor training program in Chicago. Soon after completing it, she was certified by National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP). Alexandra has completed several continuing education workshops with Pilates teachers Madeline Black, Cara Reeser and Carolyne Anthony. She is Pre and Post Natal and Diastasis Recti certified through Carolyne Anthony’s Center for Women’s Fitness.  Alexandra also completed Cara Reeser's Heritage Training, a post-graduate program for Pilates professionals. The program offers training in Kathy Grant’s work in The Pilates Method taught by her long-time student Cara Reeser

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